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Travel Links

Security Tips for Americans Traveling Abroad

(ARA) - With many Americans planning trips overseas, it is important to be prepared for the unexpected. And with more adventure and eco-travelers, Americans are going to more remote areas of the world. At the same time, kidnappings, muggings, hotel break-ins and other crimes are also on the increase. Having a plan to handle medical and security problems before leaving is one way to reduce the odds that problems will occur.

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Traveling Abroad: Can You Protect Your Health When Far from Home?

Talking About Health with Jennifer Foss, R.N.

(ARA) - Less than 100 years ago, world travel was a rare treat reserved mostly for the wealthy. Today, retirees cruise to South America, college students study in Europe and modern day adventurers journey through the wilderness of Africa. But as small as the world has become, there are still health concerns to be aware of when you travel abroad.

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Jet Lag

Jet lag can often leave you feeling, drowsy, irritable, bad headaches and can affect your performance if you have to take part in any sports or even a business meeting up to a number of hours after landing.


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